That's mine nursing pillow
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- Nursing pillow - Designed for the parents that are expecting, to make sure that you and your baby get the best start in life when breast- or bottle feeding starts - The nursing pillow is innovative and multifunctional, so the only thing you have to focus on is to enjoy the bonding moment between you and your baby - We have attached two beautiful leaves on the pillow, so you always have a cuddle cloth for your baby at hand - More so, the nursing pillow is designed to provide perfect support letting you rest at a convenient height and in a convenient position while you breast or bottle feed your child - We made the ends on the pillow longer – just tie them together and you’ll have a little chair - You can also tie it around your waist then you´ll see how comfy a nursing pillow can be - When you are done nursing, the nursing pillow can be used as a tummy time aid or as a cushioned support to help the little ones learn how to sit up unsupported
Produktnummer: 00000747
100% Organic cotton
Servicepunkt (Bring)
45.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
Servicepunkt (PostNord)
45.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
DHL Express
149.00 KR
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