Filibabba Growth Chart
359.99 KR
215.99 KR
Velg størrelse
- Watching your children grow up is the most marvellous experience of all time that contains so many memories that you want to treasure forever - The growth chart with beautiful hand-drawn illustrations helps you and your children to keep track with every inch and new heights reached - Made with FSC-certified pine wood and printed with lightfast and waterproof pigment ink on thick, woven polyester canvas - The growth chart is a both durable and decorative must-have for every children’s room - The growth chart comes in a lovingly decorated gift box and does not need to be assembled - The chart fits kids from 40cm to 160cm and can be marked with both pencils and felt tips - Dimensions: 26 cm width x 128 cm lenght
Produktnummer: 44444408
woven polyester canvas
|pine wood
cotton string
Levering og retur
Servicepunkt (Bring)
59.00 KR
Bestill innen 2 timer for å motta pakken den 1. apr. 2025
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