Linen baby mobile
Made with organic cotton
459.95 KR
Velg størrelse
- The sweet mobile - Made of linen fabric and consists of a beech wood ring - The figures are handcrafted with many fine details that bring joy to children and parents alike - Place the mobile over the playpen, at the changing table or in the nursery - The mobile will surely create a cosy atmosphere and at the same time stimulate the baby’s ability to focus and follow an object with the eyes - A mobile is a perfect present for a baby shower or as a christening gift as it will follow the child and bring joy for many years to come - and also be a perfect addition to any kids room Important information: The mobile is for decoration only and should be kept out of your child’s reach."
Produktnummer: 44444406
100% Organic cotton
Levering og retur
Servicepunkt (Bring)
59.00 KR
Bestill innen 2 timer for å motta pakken den 1. apr. 2025
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