Filibabba Silicone dinner set
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Super fine silicone set which consists of a cup, bowl and a plate. Nice medium-sized cup that fits many sizes of children's hands, as well as both a bowl and a plate with a suction cup under the bottom. The suction helps to keep the product in place, so you avoid too much spillage. The set is made of 100% silicone with a soft surface, which both gives a comfortable feeling to hold on and at the same time makes it easy for the child to use our cutlery around the bowl or plate. It is the ideal set for a family with children where you want it to look nice, but at the same time be practical. Therefore, the product can withstand falling to the floor. When it has to go fast, our silicone series withstands oven, microwave and dishwasher. The set is also an obvious option as a gift.
Produktnummer: 44444438
100% Silicone
Servicepunkt (PostNord)
29.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
Hjem levering (PostNord)
39.00 KR
DHL Express
149.00 KR
Servicepunkt (GLS)
29.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
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