Filibabba silicone divided plate
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Dinner time just became a lot easier with this practical plate, developed in collaboration with Danish children’s nutritionist Signe Severin. According to Signe, the minimalist FILIBABBA design with its beautiful colours will encourage your little one to want to tuck into a delicious meal. Our silicone plate is divided into sections with one large compartment and two small fun bowls which make the plate your ideal choice for baby led weaning (BLW). Too, the sections help you to keep the different ingredients separate from each other, as many children prefer. With a strong suction cup underneath, at least the plate is kept on the table during meal time. Nice nordic colours and a round shape make our divided plate the perfect fit for the family that loves functional design. Our divided plate is made from 100% silicone with a soft surface which helps your child to move our cutlery with ease. Silicone is a very durable material that will not crack or break like plastic. Our silicone plates are heat-resistant and can be cleaned in the dishwasher. With our plate, you will make the most of mealtimes.
Produktnummer: 44444415
100% silicone
Servicepunkt (PostNord)
29.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
Hjem levering (PostNord)
39.00 KR
DHL Express
149.00 KR
Servicepunkt (GLS)
29.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
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