müsli bed bumper
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Solid-colored bedbumper with ties to the slats in the bed. A bedbumper can create security for a small child in a large bed. The bedbumper can contribute to a beautiful and aesthetic expression in the decor. WARNING! Remove bed bumper when child can sit unaided. When a child can sit up or stand up unaided, children frequently used the bed bumper as a climbing frame leading falling out of the bed. WARNING! Make sure the straps stay securely attached to the crib. The edge of the bed bumper should be turned so that the ties are at the top. The fastening straps is tied to the bed in the slats and the lower edge is fastened between the mattress and the bed. The ties should be tied and adjusted with a knot on the outside of the bed. For safety reasons, a loop must not be made. The edge of the bed bumper must be fastened with tied knots. Keep away from fire. Stop using bed bumper at the first sign of damage. Measurement 35 x 360 cm Fits most standard beds with slats. If the edge of the bed is too long for the bed, it can overlap with one end on top of the other, whereby the edge of the bed can be adapted to a smaller bed. The slats must be used to attach the edge of the bed. Outer fabric 100 % cotton, filling 100% polyester. Matching tote bag included. (OCS made with 35% Organically Grown Material certified by Ecocert Greenlife Lic. No. 152033). This product is labelled with Organic Content Standard (OCS), which means that the % stated as organic cotton is certified and can be tracked back to the field. We use the OCS-label when it is necessary to use polyester or polyurethane in a product. Polyester 60%, Organic cotton 40%
Produktnummer: 1578025400
60% Polyester
40% Organic Cotton
Servicepunkt (PostNord)
29.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
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39.00 KR
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149.00 KR
Servicepunkt (GLS)
29.00 KR
Free from 499.00 KR
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