Pull along tractor with shape sorter
209.95 KR
125.97 KR
Velg størrelse
- Two of the most beloved baby toys; the pull along toy and the shape sorter combined into one. - This little tractor will love to follow you around the house, and the shape sorter is sure to keep those little hands busy for quite some time - A shape sorter is a true classic that should not be missing from any child’s room, as it boosts hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and problem-solving skills - all while having fun - A pull-along toy encourages the child to walk and helps develop motor skills as the child both needs to grasp the string and pull at the same time. - The pull along tractor is made of FSC approved MDF and can easily be wiped clean using a damp cloth.
Produktnummer: 44444404
cotton string
Levering og retur
Servicepunkt (Bring)
59.00 KR
Bestill innen 13 timer for å motta pakken den 1. apr. 2025
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