Made with organic cotton
499.00 KR
349.30 KR
Velg størrelse
Beautiful and practical blanket with beautiful print on the front and solid color on the back. The blanket has a nice filling to give the blanket a thickness that makes it comfortable to lie on when the baby is playing on the floor. The blanket measures 90x90 cm. (OCS made with 35% Organically Grown Material certified by Ecocert Greenlife Lic. No. 152033). This product is labelled with Organic Content Standard (OCS), which means that the % stated as organic cotton is certified and can be tracked back to the field. We use the OCS-label when it is necessary to use polyester or polyurethane in a product. Organic cotton 76%, Polyester 24%
Produktnummer: 1579028500
76% Organic Cotton
24% Polyester
Levering og retur
Servicepunkt (Bring)
59.00 KR
Bestill innen 18 timer for å motta pakken den 23. jan. 2025
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